Het meisjesmanifest

Disclaimer: This book is only available in Dutch.

‘A book with a very important message’.


In this book, we follow the three friends Tessa, Sara & Kati. Everyone has their own problems to deal with, although Tess’s problems are the most serious. When the three friends come back to school after the summer holidays, the so-called ‘slut song’ circulates. This song is written about Tess, who had a great summer with Lars. Suddenly everyone at school has an opinion about Tess and she is called a ‘slut’. Sara and Kati also deal with their own problems in this book, mostly about boys and difficult home situations.


I thought this book was a very realistic book. This heavy subject is not ofter spoken of in books. When it does happen, it is always very fleeting and not spoken about later in the book. I think that these nasty and heavy situations discussed in this book are extremely important and very good to raise more awareness to this topic for the younger readers.

The author, Carlie van Tongeren, based this book on the experiences of Milou Deelen, who made a video about slut-shaming. This is very clever and tough, but unfortunately like Tess, she got a lot of hate comments.

Carlie van Tongeren’s writing style is very smooth, but I still found it difficult to read this book quickly. It took me a week to finish. I still don’t really know what to think of this book. The book has a strong subject and message, which is well-publicized, but I dont think that this is the best book I’ve ever read. I also thought that the the ending was very predictable.


A book with a good and important message. The book has a smooth writing style, but because it is a heavy topic, it is sometimes difficult to read the book quickly.

Product information
Written by: Carlie van Tongeren
Pages: 329
Publisher: Blossom Books
ISBN: 9789463491594
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