This story follows William Rudned – a wealthy yet depressed businessman – and follows a demon named Milena. She wants William to become a Messiah of a future world and takes him on a journey through different lives which opens his eyes to fulfil his destiny and to change the future.
Category: Sci-Fi
Laura is terminally ill. Her only hope is to be frozen until she can get a cure. When she wakes up 40 years later, Laura can’t remember anything and the world around her has changed a lot. Her family probably doesn’t exist anymore and her old best friend is unreachable. The more Laura searches for her past, the more she is helped by the people and new technical developments around her.
In the second book of the Carve The Mark duology, we start where we left off in the last book: on a spaceship. Akos, Cyra, Isae but also Ryzek are on their way to Ogra, a planet where the current is stronger than on any of the other planets …
In a solar system where something called ‘the current’ develops into a different gift in each of it’s inhabitants, every planet is another polity. On one of those planets – Thuvhe – there are two nations fighting to reign the planet. Cyra, a Shotet, has been used as a weapon by her brother since she first found out her gift…