This story follows William Rudned – a wealthy yet depressed businessman – and follows a demon named Milena. She wants William to become a Messiah of a future world and takes him on a journey through different lives which opens his eyes to fulfil his destiny and to change the future.
Category: Thriller
This is a spoiler-free review of the complete Stalking Jack the Ripper series. The summaries as well as my thoughts do not contain any spoilers about any endings, but they do contain spoilers about some character developments. What to expect…
In this story, we follow Cadence Sinclair Eastman, one of the children of the Sinclair family. Cadence has been through tuff times, but can always enjoy the summer vacations on the private island of the Sinclairs. Together with her cousin Mirren, nephew Johnny and his half-brother Gat, Cadence forms ‘the Liars’. During their fifteenth summer, Cadence and Gat fall in love. Then something happens, which causes there to be a gap in the story. Throughout her summer, memories emerge, along with family secrets and lots of lies.
Laura is terminally ill. Her only hope is to be frozen until she can get a cure. When she wakes up 40 years later, Laura can’t remember anything and the world around her has changed a lot. Her family probably doesn’t exist anymore and her old best friend is unreachable. The more Laura searches for her past, the more she is helped by the people and new technical developments around her.
16-year-old Clemens prefers to be on his own. He often sits in his room and even detonates a bomb in his own house. His father Ernst sees this as an experiment that got out of hand, but Clemens’ mother Mildred is very concerned. Lenthe, Clemens’ twin sister, get caught into clubbing and gets into a relationship with a man who is twelve years older. Not long after that, Lenthe feels like someone is chasing her and she receives anonymous notes. Then a girl disappears and all of the tracks lead back to Clemens…
Disclaimer: This book is only available in Dutch! ‘You’ll finish this one in no-time!’ Summary Meet Daisy, a woman who seems to have it all: a nice job, two loving parents, a home for herself and an amazing husband called…
An exciting book with a super good ending which is very surprising. Chinouk has put a nice spin on the story with the connected souls of Carmen and Jessie.
The four friends Mint, Sky, Alissa and Milas decide to all participate in an escape room. They are welcomed by Cleo in the escape room. The friends are given 60 minutes to solve the problems and to try to escape from the escape room. At first, the escape room looks like a nice and fun game, but later it appears that someone has locked them up and that they want to make them pay for earlier times.