Perfect on Paper

“A well-written rom-com with lovable characters.”


Darcy Phillips is seventeen and a high school junior. She has a thriving business going at her school, offering anonymous relationship advice through notes left in empty locker 89 that Darcy has access to. Students drop their letters, along with a $10 fee in the locker and Darcy replies via e-mail with supportive (relationship) advice.

One day, Darcy gets caught by a boy she barely knows. He offers her – he’ll keep her secret, but Darcy has to be his ‘relationship coach’. He wants his ex-girlfriend back, and since Darcy prefers to keep her business private, she agrees to help him. But Darcy also has another secret – she’s in love with her best friend Brooke. When Brooke and a girl interested in her each wrote to the locker the previous year asking for advice on how to move the interest forward, Darcy intentionally sabotaged them out of jealousy. Meanwhile, Darcy’s coaching of Brougham helps her get to know him, and while she’s supporting him through his relationship woes, she’s startled to realize she may have feelings for him.


I absolutely loved this book! It ticked all the boxes I liked: teen romance, difficult relationships, love letters, LGBTQ+ & coming of age.

There’s so much to like about this book. The characters are written very well: you’ll fall in love with every single character because they feel like real-life people. The characters make bad decisions and mistakes, which helps the story feel more real. There was also a lot of character development for the main characters, which if it hadn’t included that, would make you feel kind of empty after finishing the book This book teaches you about different perspectives and sides of someone’s life, and that you shouldn’t judge someone by a cover. I also absolutely loved the writing style. I read through it so quickly, and it left me longing for even more.

I loved the way bi representation was presented as thoughtfully as it was with Darcy. Darcy comes across as very confident, but while reading, you find out she carries a lot of weight with her around being bisexual – people haven’t been as supportive as they could’ve been. Sophie Gonzales does a wonderful job portraying Darcy as someone with loads of depth and with insecurities, as well as the importance of a supportive community.


A very well-written book with lovable characters and great character development. This book handles biphobia really well. It was very cute & also romantic.

Product information
Written by: Sophie Gonzales
Pages: 304
Publisher: Wednesday Books
ISBN: 9781250769787
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