“A magical and dark story with well written characters.”
In this story, we follow Cerys, the daughter of a gardener. Cerys carries magic with her – with this she can grow beautiful flowers. Unfortunately, this magic was created by a curse, a reminder of the day her mother died in the woods. When her best friend Anwen is getting crowned, the kingdom is under attack by scary creatures from the magical forest. For Cerys is this the beginning to find the Lady of the Forest in order to save the kingdom. But the forest is even more dangerous than she thought, and when many secrets emerge, the only option is to survive. During this difficult mission, she is assisted by a strong and brave bear and a small orange fox.
The cover of this book was enough for me: I had to have this book. When I finally had it, I read the book in one sitting.
You read this book from the perspectives of Cerys and the Fox. Cerys is brave and very determined to save the kingdom. Her character is described very vividly so that as a reader you empathize with Cerys. Fox’s perspective has a different writing style – one that feels like you are reading a fairytale. When I read from The Fox’s perspective, I had the feeling that I was reading another book. Fox’s character is very good at fleeing, but also has a brave side. I also found the was Fox was written was very funny. Fox is certainly my favourite character from this book.
Ashley Poston’s writing style is very pleasant. Your get is immediately sucked into the story and the book is not written in a complicated manner, so you quickly turn the pages. As a reader you get surprised by unexpected twists and turns and become very curious about how this book ends.
I would definitely recommended this book if you enjoy reading dark fantasy books, like me. I devoured this book in less than a day and it left me wanting for more. This book is full of unexpected events and reads very smoothly.

Product information |
Written by: Ashley Poston |
Pages: 301 |
Publisher: Balzer + Bray |
ISBN: 9780062847362 |
Interested? Buy it here! |