Ruin and Rising

Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers!

“A good final part with very well developed characters.”


In the third and final book in the Grisha verse, Alina and her friends have ended up at the Apparat, from which she had to accept his help against her own will. Alina wants to escape from the Apparat and look for the Firebird, the third amplifier. Together with Mal and their friends, they go and search for the third and last amplifier and the lost prince, which they are not even sure if he is still alive. In this part, Alina will have to forge new alliances and set aside old rivals to search for the Firebird. But while Alina is on the road, she discovers something that will change the relationship between her and the Darkling. Killing the Firebird appears to be the only thing that can save Ravka from the Darkling’s evil plan. The question is – can Alina handle the consequences?



After reading the second part, Siege and Storm, I immediately delved into this book. I had to know what would happen to Alina and her friends next. I got immediately sucked into the story and couldn’t wait for all the action that was going to happen. In the previous part I didn’t have this feeling at all, so I was very happy that I was thrown into the story and could read without the story getting boring.

This part has got a very nice writing style. The magical world that Leigh Barugo portrayed, was done very well and I had finally gotten used to all the different terms, which meant that I had to use less of the glossary at the end. The characters are portrayed even more powerful and I felt like everyone in the story had a better chance to develop. Because of this, I empathized more with the characters and I felt as if the characters were also more connected to one another.

The only thing that bugged me was that I secretly hoped for a different ending. To be honest, I expected the confrontation at the end, but I still hoped that the end would be a bit less predictable … Of course I cannot say too much about the ending, but on the other hand I’m also fine with the ending, because now the story seems like a fairytale with a happy ending.

I absolutely can’t wait for the Netflix series to hit Netflix on April 23 (!!) I hope the series contains the same magic (and I don’t mean the physical magic, haha) and that I fall in love with the characters as much as in the book.


A good last part with an ending that sadly kind of disappointed me. The characters are very well developed and Bardugo has once again created a very beautiful world.

Product information
Written by: Leigh Bardugo
Pages: 467
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
ISBN: 9781510105256
Interested? Buy it here!