The lives of June, Bette and Gigi revolve around their training at a ballet school in Manhattan, where only the very best dancers are admitted. In their last year of the school, the girls compete for a place in the biggest ballet company in New York. The stakes are very high and the girls have a lot to lose. June, Bette and Gigi will have to make difficult choices. This year the bar is set higher than ever, especially between the girls and their unsolved problems. A lot of nasty pranks are being played which can cause the downfall of the girls and their school.
Author: Daniëlle de Boer
This rom-com is about Alex, the son of the US President, and Henry, the handsome British prince. When Alex’s mother was re-elected as president, Alex is immediately considered as royalty; he’s handsome and intelligent too. When he goes to the UK to attend a wedding, he accidentally ends up on top of a big cake with Prince Henry. The media loves this scandal and starts spreading gossip. To try and restore the damage, Alex and Henry must pretend they’ve been friends for years. Both guys are not very happy with this plan and are determined to not even pay attention to each other. Alex is not impressed with Henry, but then he gets to know a whole different side of him…
In the last part of the Touching-Juliette series, Juliette has to find out who she really is. She struggles with her past and her future that is more uncertain than ever. The lines blur between good and bad – just like Juliette and Ella’s. Juliette encounters old enemies, leaving Juliette unable to decide her own fate. Meanwhile, riots ensue and Warner, Kenji & Nazeera must fight the riots. Then there is Juliette, who has to choose which front to fight on and who also has to save her sister.
16-year-old Clemens prefers to be on his own. He often sits in his room and even detonates a bomb in his own house. His father Ernst sees this as an experiment that got out of hand, but Clemens’ mother Mildred is very concerned. Lenthe, Clemens’ twin sister, get caught into clubbing and gets into a relationship with a man who is twelve years older. Not long after that, Lenthe feels like someone is chasing her and she receives anonymous notes. Then a girl disappears and all of the tracks lead back to Clemens…
This book is about Justyce, a boy with coloured skin who goes to an elite high school with a lot of white people. As an experiment, Justyce decides to write letters to Martin Luther King. One day, Justyce is unfairly arrested and realizes that people around him don’t see Justyce as a decent boy with good grades, all because of his skin colour. Justyce notices that he is constantly surrounded with racism and decides that he’s not gonna let it slide.
n this book, we follow the three friends Tessa, Sara & Kati. Everyone has their own problems to deal with, although Tess’s problems are the most serious. When the three friends come back to school after the summer holidays, the so-called ‘slut song’ circulates. This song is written about Tess, who had a great summer with Lars. Suddenly everyone at school has an opinion about Tess and she is called a ‘slut’.
Reveal Me is part 5.5 in the Touching-Juliette series. This novella is written from Kenji’s perspective and begins with the end of Defy Me. In this book, Kenji is having a really hard time. He has to recover from all of the intense situations, but he does not get much rest.
Defy Me is the fifth part of the Touching-Juliette series. The story starts with the last scene of the previous book Restore Me, but you read it from Kenji’s perspective. iette has been kidnapped and is very far from Sector 45. Juliette must try to sort out her memories. She is torn with grief and the darkness that is still lurking in her threatens to take over.